
Cute Black Cat
are you tired of the modern web? do you hate most social media? and capitalism? are you a faggot? then this is the place for you! Come In! // qso stands for quasi-stellar object, which is also known as a quasar. they are very epic and you should look them up. you should also look up my cat, boobies, // meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow // based and cringepilled // leave this site or become transgender in 1 seconds
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The current mood of pilk at


welcome 2 my website! Come In! *discreetly kicks useless code and trash under a deviantart stamp* i am a socially inept autistic freak writing the most janky html/css you've ever seen :3 this website is best viewed on a computer using firefox.

fleeting frozen heart - Xxtarlit

it's too rare in life / to find someone you love / that can stick around / after thunder clouds / it's too rare in life / to find someone you love / to open up to (sometimes) / and not regret you did too
mio min mio, weatherday

qso404 is not a person. qso404 is not an endless mall at the end of the world. qso404 is not a still-beating heart ripped out of a chest. qso404 is not a god complex in a sinner's body. qso404 is not a sentence. qso404 is not the vomit in the sink. qso404 is not what you are seeing in the corner of your eye. qso404 is not a gender or lack thereof. qso404 is not a video you will never know the origins of. qso404 is not an admission of guilt. qso404 is not a happy ending. qso404 is not an entire bottle of wellbutrin. qso404 is not a form of sexual perversion. qso404 is not a checklist of things you have done but don't remember. qso404 is not loneliness. qso404 is not what you should be doing. qso404 is not a body. qso404 is not a package deal. qso404 is not the sound you can hear when a head is split open. qso404 is not a dream that you are stuck in. qso404 is not always about you. qso404 is not always about me. qso404 is not all you do. qso404 is not a letter to god. qso404 is not a dark place on the ceiling of the world. qso404 is not what will make you do the most unspeakable acts. qso404 is not even yet the worst thing that has ever happened to you. - |31R|)5 F3/-\R |)3/-\TH


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