
Purple Heart - Handwriting
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   `~-~''     \   \WW=*'
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what i'm up to ^.^

sooo eepy ....... 8/19/23

i'm trying to learn music better and i think it's working? i know notes on a staff very fast now and i can identify all key signatures. that's good right. thankyu music theory dot net. i haven't been updating the webbed site as much lately because i genuinely don't have time right now. maybe in 11ish weeks when marching season is over and i've finished a couple of my classes and i've adjusted to my stupid schedule i'll be able to do more again. i did manage to make this page look better and write this thingy though :3. the background is wallpaper #411 from yume 2kki and the pink picture is wallpaper #63. urotsuki is so me for real (she doesn't have a canonical personality so this is purely delusion).

i was also diagnosed with autism and adhd recently but i already knew that. hence autists online webring. i was a little more surprised by adhd because i didn't really consider it so much. figures though. i miss looking at webbed sites all day instead of doing stupid math or whatever but it's alright. it'll settle down soonish.