
Espeon - Pokemon
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The current mood of pilk at

i am not binary transgender + i am aromantic

autistic assburger freak + kitty meow meow + femboy lite

<-- zoom in!![outdated]
top 40 albums in barely any order

i play keyboard instruments / percussionist moment

i really like coding, physics, music, my friends, storms, my cat, video games, pokemon, etc

i get overwhelmed easily and often have a hard time with socializing, but i am mostly very friendly or at least trying to be

favorite bands: [outdated] car seat headrest, birds fear death, your arms are my cocoon, the antlers, starry cat, placebo, weatherday, czxxxxx, have a nice life, fall out boy, modern baseball, radiohead, the killers

favorite video games: pokemon legends arceus, minecraft, terarria, hollow knight, yume 2kki, lethal company

favorite tv: community (tv show), lucky star (anime), voz volta 2 (yt)

I am
ambiguous, aromantic, autistic, boygirl, commie, cute, etc., femme-ish, friendly, geek, gender bender, girlboy, kitty, nerd, transgender, YES!
Who are you?